Oliver Twist - George Cruikshank, Charles Dickens, Ella Westland 5 stars for the story, minus 1 star for too-wordy-writing, total 4 stars round.

One would gain most benefits from reading a novel by reflecting substance inside the story with oneself or the society. Oliver Twist told us a story about the shadow of society which most of us who happened to be born in a better place may rarely perceive. It reflected how adult mistreated to young children, how the children in workhouses lived in difficulty. In the meantime, the poor was being ignored, being left to faced starvation, then turned themselves to the path of criminal.

While I was reading this book, I reflected many times as I saw a pauper or some charity placed their box and requested for the help for those poor ones; most of time, I usually ignored them and walk pass, but this time I felt guilt for not have a time to help them. I realized that in the society, there are a lot of people who desperately need for our help. Dickens was straightforward about his message in this story and he succeed persuade me; that's why I give him full stars for the story.